Wednesday, 6 March 2013


My brother will be forever called by his new nickname from today haha :P

Excerpt of a conversation at dinner, after Jason came home with a yogurberry cup.
Jason: Why do they call it frozen yoghurt anyway? It's more like ice cream.
Me: I dunno :\
Jason: And why does Australia call it frozen yoghurt?
Me (confused): What do other countries call it?
Jason: They call it froyo.
Me: ... You do realise that froyo is short for frozen yoghurt right?  FROzen YOghurt.
Jason (stares at wall beside him in amazement): Mind. Blown.

Hahaha and I was face palming while trying to stifle my laughter unsuccessfully :P

I've been calling my brother froyo the whole night ehehehe I will never forget this!!! Even my mum couldn't stop laughing :P

Saturday, 9 February 2013


Today my brother texted me telling me how he dropped one dollar but the person who picked it up refused to give it back to him.

He said he was really sad because that's one frozen coke gone :(

Monday, 28 January 2013


It's a few days before school starts again (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) and naturally Jason takes out his school uniform *ahem* of which his DT apron is obviously a crucial component of *ahem* and *ahem* he just walked into my room to show off his zootie *ahem* decides to try them on. Does anyone else do that? Haha I actually do that as well - I can't count the amount of times I tried on my uniform in the christmas holidays before year 7 :P and year 8. and ... let's not go any further than that.
Jason: Look!! I grew fatter!!
Me: -looks over my brother who is stick thin, literally (not laterally ... haha get it?!?!)-
Jason: I used to buckle the tightest hole of my belt, but now I can only barely reach the second tightest!!
Me: -thumbs up-
Jason: It's not good to get really fat though you know.
Me: D:< WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??!?!?!?!
then I chase him out of my room. I know I sound like a bad sister in that extract (not that I am a good sister) but it's just a case of me failing to give my brother the silent treatment. HE. BROKE. A. PROMISE. It turns out to be more like me trying to communicate with sign language to him (yes, which defeats the purpose of the silent treatment). I know. But when he kept talking to me my heart melted because he never talks to me so much anymore and I told myself "oh but I'll regret this if he really stops talking to me" and this blog post is getting off topic so bye :)

Saturday, 13 October 2012



this was from a while ago, and he told me this joke his friend said which he thought was really funny. well it's not really a joke. anyway. he has a friend with really small eyes, and someone once said to him 'omg why are you so smart?' and the guy was like 'i use less of my brain capacity for seeing, so i have more brain space to think'

GET IT?!?!?! can totally relate to the small eyes thing :L

and and and recently my brother told me this thing he saw on the Internet and it went like this:
steps on kellogg's cornflake on the floor. gets labelled a serial killer.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA we spent a while laughing about it. well. yeah. i have a weird sense of humour.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


super super late post. but found this written in my 'to blog' list and thought i should just mention it.

continued agers later but yeah.

well my brother was looking through my yr 6 school diary, and i wrote people's initials in capitals and wrote b'day afterwwards. so like maggie chen's birthday would be written as MC's b'day or something.

so he was flicking through and he saw DAD's b'day and came up to me, showed me and said 'those are cool initials'.

i was like ==' ................... and then: "it says dad ...."

Jason: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


my brother let slip evidence of bad influence in high school.

Jason: Yeah ... that's why I gave you the sugar-honey-ice-tea one.
Me: ...
Jason: ...
Me (pretending not to notice): brilliant.

you bad boy. swearing no good la.


Jason: I can't wait to start learning colours in French cause then we can learn nerf. It means nine.
Me: Colours?
Jason: ...
Me: You said colours.